Assessment of Tunisian acceptance to participate in a Clinical Trial
"CT" clinical trials are medical research studies to determine whether different treatments are effective and safe.
Some trials involve patients and other trials involve healthy volunteers.
This survey aims to assess CT knowledge and the acceptance to participate to CT of Tunisian citizen.
The study involved 260 participants in three groups: healthy people (n = 133), physicians (n = 57) and patients (n = 70).
The analysis shows that, even if ignorance and lack of will can be universally common, one of the major shortcomings in Tunisia is the lack of communication on CTs, their benefits and the transparency of the Tunisian regulatory framework.
The culture of CT and training on Clinical Research is missing as well.
The results are encouraging, and suggest that Tunisians are reasonably aware of CTs and have a positive intention to participate.
Clinical Trials / Clinical Research / participation to clinical trials / Healhy volonteers / participants / patients##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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