Fetal Persistent junctional reciprocating tachycardia : a diagnostic and a therapeutic challenge.


Fatma Ouarda
Meriem Drissa
Khaouther Hakim
Hela Msaad


 Summary :
 A mother presented with a fetus at 22±1 weeks of gestation with a sustained supraventricular tachycardia  (SVT) at initially 186 beat per minute (bpm). The fetal
M-mode echocardiography showed a 1/1 atrio ventricular ratio (with short atrioventricular (AV) interval and a long ventriculo-atrial (VA) interval, suggesting a Persistent junctional reciprocating tachycardia (PJRT) . Upon  initial present no signs of heart failure or hydrops  were
noted and treament was initiated with amiodarone and  digoxin . Fetus heart rate slowed  .Postnatal electrocardiogram  Confirmed  the diagnosis of PJRT
New born was put on amiodarone and proparonal). Sinus rhythm was rapidly achieved 9 days later .The patient doing well at  10 months of age with maintain of sinus rhythm
Conclusion: our case report illustrates  a particular  form of  JRT   diagnosed  prenatal PJRT  , characterized  by  a good clinical tolerance, its absence of evolution towards cardiomyopathy  and its rapid and unusual response to antiarrhythmics


Persistent junctional reciprocating tachycardia , fetus , antiarrhythmics
