Contribution of imaging in the management of resistant tuberculosis


Soumaya Ben Saad-Baouab
Saoussen Hantous
Hafaoua Daghfous
Khaoula Ben Miled
Fatma Tritar


Introduction: Resistant tuberculosis is a topical subject given the difficulties of its management.
Objective: To evaluate the role of imaging in the diagnosis and follow-up of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB).
Methods: Retrospective study of MDR-TB cases followed in Hall C of Abderrahmane Mami Hospital (2010 to 2016).
Results: Forty four patients included. The average age was 33 (15-58). The sex ratio was 1.7. Chest radiographs at the start of treatment showed lesions dominated by nodules (n = 39) and cavities (n = 36). The parenchymal lesions were bilateral (n = 32), associated pleural (n = 4) and mediastinal lesions (n = 7). During treatment, radiological improvement dominated during the first 7 months of treatment. Computed tomography was performed as part of the preoperative assessment of MDR-TB (n = 2), lung cancer extension assessment (n = 1) and etiological assessment of haemoptysis. It allowed to refute a suspected pulmonary embolism (n = 1) and to drain a pleural effusion. Parenchymal lesions on CT were dominated by nodules (n = 8) and cavities (n = 6). Mediastinal nodes (n = 4) and pleural effusions (n = 3) were noted. Ultrasonography showed pleural effusion with pleural thickening (n = 2) and permits its ponction.
Conclusion: Imaging is a key element in the diagnostic approach to tuberculosis. It permits to evaluate tuberculous lesions and to detect tuberculous complications. It helps to guide the therapeutic management and evaluate its effectiveness.


imaging, scanner, mycobacterium tuberculosis, resistant tuberculosis, treatment



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