Contributions of autism evaluation unit in the clinical diagnosis of Autism spectrum disorders


Soumeyya Halayem
Amor Ben Amor
Maissa Touati
Ahlem Belhaj
Riadh Gouider
Ridha Mrad
Asma Bouden


Background: Based on the recognized principles of assessment of autistic disorders, the child and adolescent psychiatry department in Razi Hospital developed, in coordination with the department of neurology of Razi Hospital and the department of genetics of Charles Nicolle’s Hospital an assessment unit for autism spectrum disorders.
Objective: To describe the clinical characteristics in terms of severity and comorbidities of children assessed for autism spectrum disorders.
Methods: We compiled data about clinical examination of autistic symptoms using the Autism Diagnostic Interview Revised (ADI-R) and the Childhood autism Rating Scale (CARS). Each child developmental age was determined using the Psycho Educative Profile (PEP-R). Neurological examination completed with electroencephalography and genetics testing (caryoptype and X fragile) were performed.
Results: Fifty-two children were included in our study. The mean age was 6.6 years with a sex ratio of 6.5. The severity of the clinical presentations was assessed through the following score means: CARS 35, ADI-B: 20, ADI-C: 13, ADI-D: 7, functional developmental age: 2.4 years. Comorbidity with epilepsy was present in 7% of cases and an intellectual disability was found in 80% of them.  Genetic tests were normal.
Conclusion: Our results will be discussed in the light of international recommendations.


Autism, assessment, epilepsy, genetics, comorbidities



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