Epidemiology of Type 2 Diabetes in the Greater Maghreb. Example of Tunisia.Systematic review of the literature


Amira Maoui
Kahena Bouzid
Asma Ben Abdelaziz
Ahmed Ben Abdelaziz


Aim: Describe epidemiologic profile of Diabetes Type 2 (DT2) in the Tunisian population, through published and indexed studies in Medline
Methods: We carried out a systematic review, through the Medline database, of the main publications related to DT2 among Tunisian patients. This research included prevalence, risk factors, clinical and biological characteristics, and complications of DT2.
Results: The prevalence of DT2 varied from 9.9% in 1996 to 15.1% in 2005 and would reach 26.6% in 2027. It was significantly associated with age and urbanization. The genetic factor was incremented in 58.9 to 75% of cases and obesity in a quarter or more. Neuropathy and diabetic retinopathy were the main degenerative complications affecting the Tunisian diabetic patient in more than half of the cases. Poor compliance was observed in 41% of diabetics and only 16.7% of patients were well controlled.
Conclusion: The epidemiological situation of DT2 in Tunisia is worrying, hence the need for a promotional approach to a lifestyle that is favorable to health and an integrated management that is consistent with international standards.


Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 ; Epidemiology ; Prevalence ; Risk Factors ; Prevention; Review; Tunisia



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