The nursing profession in Tunisia


Hatem Shili
Sonia Ben Hadj Hassen
Taycir Daoud
Françoise Ounalli


The Tunisian health care system is experiencing a significant period of change and needs reforms so as to adapt. The nursing profession, which is the main actor of this system, in terms of number and function, is barely known or utterly unknown. The present paper’s authors, who are paramedical teachers, aim to shed light on the specificity of the nursing and the nursing profession based on data collecting, and rare articles and legislation texts. In four sections, the paper will discuss the following issues: the nursing population demography, providing several indicators, their training throughout the reforms period, their training which has been “hooked” to university studies, their job profile and career plan. This presentation will also address the situation in Algeria and Morocco, based on data available on the Web. The acquisition of "core" skills and skills "shared with other caregivers" represents the roadmap for the drafters of the training benchmarks currently under drafting. The higher institutes of nursing are looking of ways to secure the required trainers and resources needed to the opening of departments, prior to the launch of a ‘doctoral school’, which represents the only incubator of future teachers and researchers. Private training institutions representing a new investment sector are to be assessed in terms of overall employability. Perspectives, in 12 points, should be planned for a pedagogically accredited, professionally performing and socially responsible profession.


Health personnel - Nursing - Nurses - Tunisia



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