Providing training on critical appraisal of medical literature by junior and senior teacher : an equivalence randomized trial in Algeria


BEZZAOUCHA Abdeldjellil
BOUAMRA Abderrezak
SIDOUMOU Benyoucef
Ben Abdelaziz Ahmed


Background: The scarcity of trained teachers in charge of critical appraisal of medical literature is a major obstacle for the development of this learning in low-middle-income countries.
Objectives: The aim of the study was to show equivalence in providing training on critical appraisal by either junior or senior teacher in epidemiology.
Methods: Learners, volunteer teachers of all specialties at the medical school of Blida (Algeria), were randomized between the two teachers in an equivalence randomized controlled trial. An adapted Fresno test scored out of 200 points was used to blindly measure learners’ performance.
Results: Main characteristics of the two learners’ groups, of 33 each, who took the post-test, appeared to be similar at baseline. No significant difference was found between the two average scores attributed to the post-test, respectively 87.83 ± 27.44 and 84.31 ± 20.45 (95% confidence interval of the difference between these two means: -15.41; 8.38). That confidence interval, inside the equivalence interval of (-20, +20), revealed that junior teacher was sufficiently efficient to teach critical appraisal in comparison with a senior teacher. 
Conclusion: Equivalence in providing training on critical appraisal by either junior or senior teacher could pave the way for other similar initiatives among all specialities.


Schools, Medical - School Teachers - Equivalence Trial - Decision Making - Evidence-Based Medicine- Algeria



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