Comparative study of post-graduate training programs in public health in the great maghreb countries


Abdelkrim Soulimane
Ahmed Ben Abdelaziz
Zineb Serhier
Sid'Ahmed Dahdi
Mohamed Amine MERBOUH


Background: Training in public health, an essential lever for the success of health programs, mobilizes several disciplines, from the description of health situations to the study of their determinants, and to health management.
Objective: To compare postgraduate training programs in Public Health, provided in the countries of the Greater Maghreb.
Methods: Through a documentary study, various components of post-graduate training in Public Health in the Maghreb have been identified: offers and methods of training, learning objectives, program content and citationsRaw skills
Results: In the Maghreb, and with the exception of Mauritania, Training offers are limited to teaching in Public Health with a medical orientation, integrated in the university system in the form of residency. Other training (masters ...) are provided in the context of continuing professional development. Areas of competence include, in addition to medical and scientific expertise, communication and interdisciplinary collaboration. The programs focus on methodological aspects in relation to related disciplines such as health promotion, anthropology, sociology and health planning.
Conclusion: The pooling of training experiences in Public Health, in the Maghreb countries, would be essential to launch a quality homogeneous training based on the paradigm of global health.


Education, Training, Public Health, Global Health, North Africa



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