Development of a Balanced Scorecard for the monitoring of hospitalperformance in the countries of the Greater Maghreb. Systematic Review


Sana Rouis
Asma Ben Abdelaziz
Hajer Nouira
Mohamed Khelil
Chokri Zoghlami
Ahmed Ben Abdelaziz


Background: Despite the wealth of knowledge on hospital performance, the majority of health facilities in the Maghreb don’t have yet a Balanced Scorecard for its measurement.
Objective: Elaborate, through a systematic review of the biomedical literature, a Balanced Scorecard for hospital performance, consisting of indicators of quality of care, highly recommended and suitable for the professional and managerial contexts of Greater Maghreb health systems.
Materials and Methods:  This is a "systematic review" study on the topic of indicators to measure hospital performance. A documentary query combining the "Mesh Major Topic" for the two following descriptors "hospitals" and "health quality indicators", has been applied to the "Medline" database over a period of ten years (2004-2013). A focus group composed of clinicians, managers and representatives of civil society, was formed for the selection of a Balanced Scorecard of health facilities in Maghreb, composed of 20 systemic indicators.
Results: An in-depth reading of 166 articles included in the study identified 926 quality of care assessment indicators. It is in one of three cases "systemic" indicators applicable to multi-purpose health facilities, and in one case of two, it is"process"indicators focused on a health care activity. Following the work of the focus group, a Balanced Scorecard for hospital performance was developed in a consensual manner. Among these indicators, 18 explored the "care" dimension (average length of stay, bed occupancy rates, turnover beds rates, occupational blood exposure rates, unplanned admission rates, discharge rates, prolonged admissions rates, antibiotic prescription rates, mortality rates, health care-associated infection rates, readmission rates, pressure ulcer rates, patient / staff ratio, staff turnover rates, maintenance of medical records, time sending of the report of hospitalization, staff burnout rates, patients’ satisfaction rates), and two indicators were related to training functions and research (number of hours of staff training, publication rates).
Conclusion: The use, by health care facilities, of this Balanced Scorecard, based on the current data from the literature and adapted to the specific professional context of Greater Maghreb, would be a preliminary condition for the start-up of a strategy to measure and improve hospital performance in the Maghreb countries.


Quality indicators, health care-Hospitals- Quality assurance- Quality improvement- Benchmarking- North Africa  



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