Breast cancer in the Maghreb : epidemiology and control strategies. Review.


Imen Bannour
Raja Briki
Faten Zrairi
Thouraya Zahmoul
Hajer Hamchi
Samia Kammoun Belajouza
Samir Hidar
Leila Ben Fatma
Sassi Boughizane
Moncef Mokni


Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in women in the Maghreb and around the world. It’s the most common cause of cancer deaths. It represents a major public health problem because of its frequency, morbidity and mortality that it generates as well as the cost of the therapies used. Epidemiological data are similar in the 3 countries of the Maghreb (Tunisia, Morocco, and Algeria). Currently, the incidence of breast cancer is lower than in developed countries, but is increasing steadily, and projections for the coming years predict that rates will be closer to the European ones. The diagnosis is often done at advanced stages compromising the prognosis of the patients. Strategies to combat this cancer remain insufficient and further efforts are needed to improve the situation.


Breast Cancer - Epidemiology - Africa, Northern



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