Epidemiology of malaria and elimination prospects in Maghreb Countries


Ousmane BA
Mohamed Ouldabdallahi
Mohamedou Koïta
Ousmane Sy
Sid'Ahmed Dahdi


Background: Faced with the challenges of immigration, the opening of the Trans-Saharan road and the increase in the volume of trade with sub-Saharan Africa, there is a steady increase in the number of malaria cases. An introduction of the disease in the Maghreb is possible.
Objective: The general objective is to take stock of the epidemiological situation and the malaria control strategy in the Maghreb countries.
Methods: This is a synthesis of data from a literature search on: PubMed (publications), International and national reports (epidemiology and strategies).
Results: In 1979, Tunisia became the second Maghreb country to eliminate malaria after Libya (the last local case in 1973). In 1997, when 76 cases were recorded, Morocco embarked on a new national strategy aimed at the elimination of indigenous malaria by the end of 2005. In Algeria, after a phase of control by existence of P. vivax and P. malaria microspheres, the country is in the maintenance phase and no cases were recorded between 2013 and 2016. In Mauritania, even though malaria transmission is generally low, this parasitosis remains a problem public health. And the strategies of struggle and the contribution of scientific research remain below expectations.
Conclusion: With the exception of Mauritania, the countries of the Great Arab Maghreb have practically eradicated malaria, even though the maintenance phase is underway in Algeria and cases imported from sub-Saharan Africa continue to be registered.


Malaria - Plasmodium vivax - Plasmodium falciparum - Epidemiology - Africa Northern



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