About a lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma of the lung with an endotracheal localization


Mona Mlika
Besma Hamdi
Adel Marghli
Faouzi El Mezni


Introduction :Lympho-epithelioma like carcinoma is a rare lung tumour that acounts for less than 1% of non small cell lung carcinomas. It is defined as a special entity among the 2015 World Health Organization. 
Aim : Our aim was to describe a completely illustrated new case of lymhpo-epithelioma like carcinoma.
Methods : We describe a new case diagnosed in our Department of  Pathology.
Case presentation : The authors describe a case of a 22-year-old woman without a particular past medical history who presented  non specific respiratory symptoms. Radiologic investigations revealed a tracheal tumor with enlarged mediastinal lumph nodes. A first biopsy was performed revealing a malignant tumor with a squamous differentiation highlighted by immunohischemistry. A surgical biopsy was performed and the final microscopic diagnosis revealed a lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma of the lung. This diagnosis was retained after ruling out a possible metastasis of a nasopharyngeal carcinoma whose microscopic features are similar to this subtype of lung tumor.
Discussion and conclusion :This case points out the rarity of this diagnosis, especially in a young and caucasian patient and highlights the diagnostic dilemma caused by this kind of tumor.


diagnosis, lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma, lung, prognosis.



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