Functional repercussion of polyarthrosis of the elderly in tunisia


Imene Ksibi
Wafa Aissi
Anja Mghirbi
Najla Mouhli
Rekik Sonia
Rim Dhahri
Leila Métoui
Imen Gharsallah
W Kessomtini
Rim Maaoui
Hajer Rahali Khachlouf


Introduction: Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common degenerative joint disease in the elderly. The often multifocal location at this age can be a source of pain, limitation of everyday activities, thus affecting their quality of life.
Aim: To evaluate functional status of aged people with generalized OA in Tunisia, and to detect the main factors associated with a poor function in order to optimize their medical care.   
Methods : A cross-sectional, descriptive study done between January and March 2017. Fifty patients were included, aged 65 years and over followed for generalized osteoarthritis. The functional repercussions of polyarthrosis was assessed by functional independence measure (FIM), the Lequesne Algofunctional Index, the Womac index for hip and knee OA, and the Oswestry questionnaire for low back pain.
Results : The mean age of patients was 71.94 ± 0.8 years with a sex ratio of 0.42.The functional status of patients with polyarthrosis were altered to varying degrees. The most impaired dimensions of FIM were self-care, transfers and locomotion. Activities of daily living of the Lequesne index was the most impaired section with an average of 5.28. The three dimensions of the Womac index were affected, particularly the pain section with an average of 49.18/100. The Oswestry index was altered with an average of 18.89 / 40.
Factors associated with poor functional status were: Female gender (p<0,05), age of development (p<0,05), spinal arthrosis (p<0,05) and history of falls(p<0,05).
Conclusion: Polyarthrosis is accompanied by functional impairment in the elderly. Factors associated with functional impairment should be considered in the Patient Management Program.


elderly, poly arthrosis,function, disability



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