Mycobacterium fortuitum infection associated with achalasia


Rachid Bouchentouf


The association achalasia and non tuberculous Mycobacteria lung infection is described in the literature. Most of the time Mycobacterium Fortuitum
is responsible of aspiration pneumonia that didn’t respond to usual antibiotic therapy. We report a new case about a 15 year-old woman with
Allgrove’s syndrome history. The chest imaging showed a right pulmonary condensation and the diagnosis was bacteriological. Mycobacterium
Fortuitum resistant to Rifampicin, isoniazid, Pyrazinamide and ethamabutol was isolated. She was treated by cotrimoxazole, ciprofloxacin and
clarithromycin for 12 months, with a good clinical, radiological and bacteriological evolution.
With the purpose to prevent the relapse the patient was treated by cardiomyotomy.


Mycobacterium Fortuitum , achalasia, aspiration pneumonia



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