Hypertension and Atrial Fibrillation: What is the prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome?


Afef Ben Halima
Samira Aouadi
Dorra Bejjar
Lobna Laroussi
Marouène Boukhris
Leila Gharbi
Faouzi Addad
Salem Kachboura


Introduction:Obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAS) and cardiovascular disease are public health problems. The objective of our study was to evaluate the frequency of OSAS in patients with hypertension and atrial fibrillation (AF) and to investigate the factors associated with OSAS in this population.
Methods:It’s a cross-sectional study including 73patients with hypertension and AF. All patients underwent a respiratory polygraphy.
Results: Seventy-Threepatients were included (57 women). The mean age was 66.6±10.7 years. Obesity was found in 75% of patients. The mean duration of hypertension and AF evolution was respectively 8.7±7.3 years and 4.5±5.6 years.A resistant hypertension was found in 16% of patients. AF was paroxysmal in 34% of patients, persistent in 33% and permanent in 33% of patients.The mean Epworth score was 6.7±6.1 with excessive diurnal somnolence found in 30% of patients. According to the Berlin questionnaire, OSAS was "very likely" in 84% of patients. The prevalence of OSAS in patients with hypertension and AF was 77% with an average HAI of 23.26±19.57 per hour of sleep. OSAS was severe in 44% of patients, moderate in 15% of patients, and mild in 18% of patients. Factors associated with OSAS in our population were cognitive disorders (21% vs 0%, p=0.03), diurnal excessive sleepiness (21% vs. 0%, p=0.05), antiarrythmic therapy (63% vs 29%, p=0.016, OR=4.13, 95% CI 1.25-13.64) and nocturnal desaturation (25.86±17.68 vs 9.15±14.3 / H, p<0.0001). Our study did not find any significant difference between the groups regarding demographic characteristics, anthropometric, ultrasound data of patients and characteristics of hypertension and AF.
Conclusion: OSAS is common among patients followed for hypertension and atrial fibrillation. Its screening is necessary to improve the management and prognosis of these two diseases. However, in the absence of predictive factors for OSA, a polygraph could be recommended for this population.


Obstructive sleepapnea syndrome, hypertension, atrial fibrillation, prevalence.



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