Assessment of premature ventricular beats in athletes


Afef Ben Halima
Manel Ben Halima
Zied BelHadj
Marouene Boukhris
Saida Ayachi
Hayet Ben Salah
Héla Addala
Anis Chaouachi
Donia Kobaa


Introduction Premature ventricular complexes (PVC) are generally considered as a benign electrocardiographic abnormality in the athleticpopulation. However it may be indicative of underlying heart disease which may increase the risk of sudden death. This implies the need forcardiological evaluation before indicating the ability to practice competitive sports.
Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate an athlete population with PVC and establish underlying etiologies in order to take a decisionregarding practicing sports.
Methods: This is a prospective study which included athletes examined in the Tunisian National Centre of Sports Medicine and Sports Science
(TNCSM) from January 2013 to June 2015 who presented PVC on an electrocardiogram
Results:5798 athletes were referred to the TNCSM . We identified 42 athletes having PVC with a prevalence of 1.8%. The average age of thestudy population was 21.6 ± 5.99 years. 83% were men. 88% were asymptomatic the electrocardiogram was considered normal in 62% ofthe athletes according to the Seattle criteria, At the Holter monitoring, the average number of PVC was 920 PVC / 24 hours. Thirteen athleteshad doublets and 11 had triplets. One patient had polymorphic PVC and an R/T phenomenon. The transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) wasnormal in 71 % of cases. Three athletes had hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). All patients underwent a stress test. The PVC disappearedin 12% of athletes. MRI was performed in 10 athletes confirming the three cases of HCM and revealing a case of arrhythmogenic rightventricular dysplasia and a case of compression of the right ventricle by pectusexacavatum
Conclusion: After this assessment, five athletes were not allowed to practice sport. This study shows the necessity of a thorough cardiological
assessment of athletes with ventricular arrhythmia in order to detect underlying heart disease and prevent sudden death in this young apparentlyhealthy population


Athletes; Premature ventricular contraction; echocardiography; stress test; Holter monitoring; Magnetic resonance imaging; Sudden death.



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