The practice of the mental image tool for the training of hand hygiene with Hydro-alcoholics solutions: randomized trial


Emira Ben Hamida Nouaili
Imen Ayadi
Manel Jellouli
Taher Gargah
Zahra Marrakchi


Introduction: Mental image (or mental practice), a psychological representation of a task to be carried out, is a technique that could enhance skills in several areas areas including medicine.
Objective: To evaluate the practice of the mental image tool for the training of hand hygiene with Hydro-alcoholics solutions among students of
Methods: Randomized trial including DCEM2 students in Neonatology and Pediatrics at Charles Nicolle Hospital during the same period.
Group1: group training in the mental image, Group 2 of citationsRaw.
The assessment of student achievement was evaluated in terms of obtained scores.
Results: The total number of students was 37. The overall score in group 1 was 17.17 ± 3.82 versus 11.58 ± 4.05 in group 2, p <10 -3.
The friction duration of hands in group 1 was 30.56 S ± 4.52S versus 24 ± 5.17 in group 2,
p <10-3.
Conclusion: Mental practice may be a time- and cost-effective strategy that improves hand hygiene with Hydro-alcoholics solutions.


Mental image, learning, hand hygiene



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