Smoking and associated factors among school teenagers in the city of Sousse (Smoking and school teenagers)


Manel Limam
Maryem Marzouki
Mariem El Ghardallou
Jihène Sahli
Thouraya Ajmi
Chekib Zedini


Background: Tobacco use among teenagers in an increasing concern for the international community, especially with the fact that early experimentation is now identified as a risk factor for durable consumption and addiction.
Aim:To study Tobacco use and its determinants amongteenagers in the city of Sousse.
Methods: A descriptive cross-sectionalstudy was carried out among a sample of teenagers enrolled in the city of Sousse (Tunisia) in 2016-2017. A two-stage sampling was conducted for the selection of adolescents.
Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire in Arabic language.
Results: The sample consisted of 330 students. The prevalence of smoking was 9.7%(95% CI6,7% ;13%), with a male predominance (14.4% vs 6.3%). The mean age of onset of tobacco was 14.65 ± 1.38 years. 44.8% of parents ignore their children’s smoking. The mean dependence score was 4.77 ± 3.6 (HONC test).
 Factors significantly associated with smoking were gender, age, educational level, repeating school years, relationship with parents and teachers, presence of smokers in the environment, knowledge about the health risks of tobacco.
Conclusion:Sensitizationactions should be strengthened within schools, starting even in primary schools, in collaboration with teachers, family and health professionals. In addition, more effective and rigorous enforcement of legislation is essential.


Tobacco - School Teenagers - Sousse - Tunisia



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