Pulmonary manifestations in antisynthetase syndrome Lung and antisynthetase syndrome


Thouraya Ben Salem
Cherifa Abdelkafi
Mounir Lamloum
Imed Ben Ghorbel
Mohamed Habib Houman



Pulmonary manifestations are frequent in patients with antisynthetase syndrome which is a particular form of inflammatory myopathies.


The aim of this study is to describe clinical features and long term outcome of interstitial lung disease in these patients.

Patients and methods:

This is a retrospective descriptive study in an internal medicine department. Patients with antisynthetase syndrome hospitalized from 2000 to 2014 were collected.


There were nine patients; five women and four men. The mean age at diagnosis was 54.4 ±11.2 years. Interstitial lung disease was observed in all cases and revealed the disease in five cases. The more frequent aspect in high resolution computer thoracic scan was ground-glass opacities (n=8). Traction bronchiectasis and septal thickening were noted each one, in five cases. Honeycombing was observed in one case. Restrictive syndrome was noted in 4/4 cases. All patients received corticosteroids. Two patients were treated with methotrexate for myositis. Intravenous cyclophosphamide was used in five patients (at diagnosis for severe interstitial lung disease in three cases and after pulmonary function worsening in two other cases). Improvement was noted in seven patients. Two patients died after pulmonary symptom worsening and respiratory insufficiency.


Interstitial lung disease in patients with antisynthetase syndrome may have a poor prognosis and should be treated at time. Altough the optimal therapy was not clearly established, corticosteroids are considered to be the first line therapy. Immunosuppressive agents as cyclophosphamide, azathioprine or methotrexate may be used in some cases.


Antisynthetase syndrome, Myositis, interstitial lung disease, antinuclear antibodies, immunosuppressive agents, respiratory insufficiency.



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