Evaluation of CIAP (Clarification, Illustration, Application, Participation) as a teaching tool in rheumatology.


Dhia Kaffel
Emira Ben Hamida


The CIAP (Clarification, Illustration, Application, Participation) teaching, was adopted by our faculty since 1988. It allows a pedagogical approach favoring teacher / student contact. It puts the disciple in the center of the work. However, this method has been initiated for a long time, its actual place in our teaching is not yet well established and not all teachers adhere to it because it has never been evaluated before. The aim of this study was to evaluate the CIAP teaching in rheumatology in abarticular shoulder pathology in DCEM1 students.
Methods: A cross-sectional study of students in DCEM1 during the internship at the Kassab institute. Students were informed about the teaching (CIAP) a week before so they could read their corresponding self-teaching module in advance. A pre-test and a post-test were prepared in advance as well as an evaluation of the teaching by the learners.
Results: We founded after this teaching, an improvement of the score of the pre-test with a progression of the means statistically significant (p <10-3). Concerning the assessment of CIAP teaching by our learners in terms of relevance in general, organization and implementation, it showed a majority of satisfaction with a predominance of a "2" rating according to the scale of Likert.
Conclusion: Our work has highlighted a positive impact and a good adhesion of students to the abarticular pathology by the CIAP teaching.


Pedagogy, medical illustration, application, collective participation, scapula-humeral periarthritis, , , , , , medical illustration, application, collective participation, scapula-humeral periarthritis



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