Epidemiology of Malaria in the city of Kaedi (Mauritania, 2014)


Ousmane BA
Aïchetou Sow
Sid'Ahmed Dahdi


Background: In the face of ongoing and projected environmental and climate change, the epidemiology of malaria in the city of Kaédi (Mauritania), bordering the Senegal River Valley, requires special attention.
Objective: To describe the epidemiological situation of malaria in the city of Kaédi, Mauritania, during the wet season of 2014.
Methods: We conducted a descriptive cross-sectional survey in the city of Kaédi in september 2014 (wet season), to assess the prevalence of malaria parasites and vectors. For the choice of households, a cluster sampling was carried out and the city was subdivided into 10 sub-spatial units using a map of the city and the contribution of local populations. All household members were subjected to microscopic examination. In addition, larval surveys, morning wildlife sprays and night trap breaks were conducted.
Results: Of the 4671 thick drops made, three were positive, ie an average plasmid index of 0.06%. Prevalence was 0.04% (2/4671) and 0.02% (1/4671) for Plasmodium malariae and Plasmodium falciparum, respectively. In addition, the larval fauna consisted essentially of Culex larvae (100%). Two (2) female Anopheles mosquitoes were collected during the study.
Conclusion: Even if transmission is low, in a context of absence of rainfall, the health authorities must foresee a strategy of malaria pre-elimination in riparian wilayas of the Senegal River.


Malaria - Plasmodium falciparum - Plasmodium malarae - Anopheles - Mauritania



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