Evaluation after two years of functionnal restoration for chronic low back pain : Tunisian experience


Rim Maaoui
Imene Ksibi
Amani Khezami
Sonia Zrida
Nadia Chiha
Hajer Rahali


Introduction: functional restoration of the spine is a proven method in the short-term management of chronic low back pain. The aim of our study  was to evaluate the effect of a functional restoration program at two years of evolution.
Methods: retrospective study of patients enrolled in a functional restoration program during 2014 and summoned after two years,  in 2016. Patients have had the same clinical and functional evaluation before the program, at five weeks and  at two years.
Results: Thirty patients were enrolled in the study. The average age was 45 years. Eighty % of the patients were overweight. Significant improvement for all clinical and functional parameters at five weeks was noted. This gain was maintained significantly for some parameters at two years.
Conclusion: The results of the functional rehabilitation of the spine are satisfactory at two years of evolution.


Chronic low back pain, Disability, Functional restoration, Quality of life



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