Patient-management Problem (PMP) for paediatrics learning: Value and students perceptions


Rim Ben Abdelaziz
Hela Hajji
Hela Boudabous
Amel Ben Chehida
Sonia Mrad-Mazigh
Hatem Azzouz
Neji Tebib


Background: The use of the pedagogic tool Patient-Management Problem (PMP) for medical teaching and evaluation remains limited in Tunisia.
Aim: to evaluate the value of PMP learning sessions in pediatrics and students’ perception of the use of PMP for learning and evaluation.
Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional evaluative study in four pediatric departments in Tunis. Students had a learning session with an electronic PMP. Their knowledge was assessed using a pre-test and a post-test. Their perception of the learning was assessed using a questionnaire.
Results: Forty-four students participated. The post-test scores were statistically higher than those of the pre-test (p <0.001). More than 90% of the students, found that the PMP was a useful learning tool, which would change their way of thinking and agreed to its regular use for teaching. 86% of students declared that the PMP were better than other means of learning and 79% that PMP was a reliable assessment tool, but 75% believed it was more stressful than other means of assessment. The degree of satisfaction with previous PMP experience was negatively correlated with perception of reliability (p = 0.043), impact on clinical reasoning (p = 0.044), and PMP being better than the other learning means (p = 0.044).
Conclusion: The PMP is an effective learning tool and is well accepted by students. Its use should be generalized to all disciplines for teaching and evaluation. Further trainings are necessary for medical teachers to guarantee quality PMPs.


Patient Management Problem, learning, assessment, learner, perception



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