Preoperative assessment in pulmonary resection surgery


Nozha Ben Salah
Dorra Bejar
Houda Snene
Yacine Ouahchi
Nadia Mehiri
Bechir Louzir


Pulmonary resection can be associated with a significant risk of morbidity and mortality, which depends on the nature and extent of pulmonary resection but also on the patient himself. This risk can be apprehended by a preoperative assessment which estimates the immediate operative risk as well as the physiological state and the post-operative quality of life which can require more conservative therapies.
Currently, preoperative exploration of a patient is based on various technological tools, which can range from simple electrocardiogram or simple spirometry to a complex exploration such as a cardiorespiratory effort test. These multiple evaluation tools require the rationalization of good practice processes according to international recommendations, taking into account the patient's specificity and the country context.
This approach makes it possible to prioritize examinations according to their availability and accessibility in order to identify patients with high operative risk and to offer them an appropriate therapeutic choice.


lung resection, preoperative evaluation spirometry, pulmonary diffusing capacity, exercise testing, predicted post operative product



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