Theses publications in scientific indexed journals: the study of theses supported at Tunis Faculty of Medecine from 2008 to2010


Aschraf Chadli-Debbiche
Emna Abidi
Nèbiha Falfoul-Borsali
Ali Mrabet
Chadli Dziri
Héla Elloumi


Introduction: The classification of performing universities in the world based on the number of citations of universities scientific publications.
However, the rate of publications resulting from theses to the Tunis Faculty of Medicine (FMT) is unknown.
Objective: To determine the publication rates of theses in indexed journals.
Methods: This is a descriptive study of theses of all specialties, supported in the FMT from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2010. Articles from
theses had been searched in the database "Pubmed".
Results: In FMT, 806 theses were supported between 2008 and 2010. The distribution of theses across disciplines showed a predominance of
medical specialties (50%). Distribution of theses according to surgical specialties revealed that the obstetrics and gynecology was the most
productive specialty theses with 81 theses (10%). The index thesis was 0.70 theses per teacher per year. The studies were retrospective in
77.4%.. Of the 806 theses, 140 (17.3%) were published in indexed journals. Distribution of publications by discipline showed that 21.6% of theses
produced by medical specialties resulted in at least one publication in indexed journals. Sixty journals have made the support of 164 articles
from theses, dominated by" La TunisieMédicale" (45.7%). The articles were published in French in 73.8% of cases.
Conclusion: The rate of publications resulting from theses to the FMT, 17.3% between 2008 and 2010, is considered low. It should be improved
by more prospective studies, preferably written in English. Moreover, in a spirit of positive emulation for our faculty, it is recommended to include
the address of the FMT in signing publications.


Bibliometric- Theses- Medicine- Publication- Indexed journal



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