The neuropathic osteoarthropathy of the hip: About two cases


Meriem Haloua
Younes Houmada
Youssef Alaoui Lamrani
Moustapha Maaroufi
Siham Tizniti
Meryem Boubbou


The neuropathic osteoarthropathy are ectopic ossifications, developed near the joints, secondary to a process of neo-osteogenesis in the case of central neurological lesions and rarely peripheral lesions. We report the case of two patients aged of 7 years and 35 years, for whom the CT scan allowed us to make the positive diagnosis, and an accurate preoperative assessment, by studying the seat, the vessels and nerves, allowing an adapted and precocious management. We propose an update of neuropathic osteoarthropathy based on data from the literature.


Neuropathic osteoarthropathy - ectopic ossifications



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