The script concordance test as a tool to evaluate clinical reasoning in neonatology


Emira Ben Hamida
Imen Ayadi
Zahra Marrakchi
André Quinton


Background : Script concordance test aims to evaluate knowledge organization, which represents an essential component of the clinical competence.
Objective : To build a script concordance test and demonstrate its relevance in the evaluation of Neonatology skills.
Methods: A script concordance test including 20 vignettes and 20 items, was provided to 52 fourth year medical students and 11 family medicine interns.
Results : Script concordance test scores obtained by experts were higher then those obtained by students and family medicine interns. The scores (out of 100) were 82.52 ± 7.35 CI95% [77.26-87.78] for the experts, 58.52 ± 9.72 CI95% [55.82-61.23] for the students, and 63.17±11.36 IC95%  [55.53-70.81] (p<0.0001) for the interns.
Conclusion: Our data suggest that script concordance tests could be used to assess the acquisition of clinical reasoning among fourth year medical students in neonatolgy.


Script concordance test, Evaluation, Skills, Clinical reasoning, Neonatology.



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