Evaluation of the work satisfaction of the teaching physicians practicing in the Hospitals of tunis


Mehdi Ben Khelil
Mona Mlika
Nidhal Haj Salem
Ali Chadly
Ahmed Banasr
Moncef Hamdoun


Background: Job satisfaction is a key element in managing human resources despite the scope of practice. It is intimately linked to motivation but acts independently.
Aim: To evaluate the degree of job satisfaction of the teaching physicians practicing in the hospitals of Tunis.
Methods: It was a descriptive study including a sample of 75 teaching physicians practicing in Tunis hospitals, selected randomly and anonymously with a 1:20 scale with a matching based on the grade and the speciality. The evaluation was carried out by the Saphora-Job satisfaction questionnaire.
Results: The 75 physicians who participated had a sex ratio (M / F) of 0.42. The Median seniority was of seven years. The majority of physicians who participated in the study had a professional experience of less than 10 years (72%) and were mostly Assistant Professors (57.3%).
The overall job satisfaction rating of participants in the study was 3.13 ± 1.2.
Indicators that were related to relatively high satisfaction were represented by the relationship between colleagues, the nature of work and the adequacy of work and personal life. Indicators that were linked to the lowest satisfaction were represented by knowledge and access to regulation, remuneration and knowledge of the organization of the institution.
Conclusion: Our study suggested the need for serious discussions between the different stakeholders about teaching physicians’ salary ranges and opportunities for personal development as well as reward system for hospital-based physicians.


Evaluation, Job Satisfaction, Human Resources management, Management.



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