Private public partnership: a solution for the development of health system in Tunisia


Jihen Jdidi
Yosra Mejdoub
Sourour Yaich
Houda Ben Ayed
Mondher Kassis
Habib Fki
Ines Ayadi
Jamel Damak


In a context of economic difficulties, the Tunisian government is required to find solutions to meet the expectations of the population. Health sector is one of the critical areas requiring radical reform. The objective of this paper is to find the place of public private partnership project in the harmonious development of both public and private sectors in Tunisia.
Indeed, the Tunisian health system consists of two main sectors: the public sector, and the private sector, booming since the 90s. Tunisian infrastructure and staff resources distribution is characterised by a very significant regional disparity, to the detriment of the interior regions, which is more pronounced in the private sector. This area, considered innovative and responsive, captures the local wealthy clientele, and the foreign highly specialized care seekers. It wins over the best healthcare providers, inspite of some reported claims against pricing abuses leading to user’s lack of confidence. As for the public sector under funded, handicapped by red tape and some forms of lack of transparency and lobbying, it can not cope with the influx of customers of poor and middle classes. The relationship between the two sectors misses often. The current challenge in the Tunisian health sector is how can public and private sectors combine and harmonize their efforts to achieve common interest objectives. The public-private partnership, is a process helping the state to involve private investors in the realization of public interest projects and develop long term contracts. So, the two sectors will share resources and technical expertise and will access to further advantages. However, it is essential to establish clear and effective legal and institutional frameworks governing private participation in the public sector.


Partnership, Public sector, Private sector, Health economy, Health sector, Tunisia.
