Associated outcomes to fetal macrosomia: effect of maternal diabetes


Manel Mallouli
Mohamed Derbel
Allegbe Ingrid
Jihén Sahli
Chekib Zedini
Thouraya Ajmi
Ali Mtiraoui


Background: Fetal macrosomia is associated with an increased risk of adverse outcomes to both the mother and the infant.
Aim: To determine maternal and neonatal outcomes associated to fetal macrosomia in diabetic and non- diabetic mothers.
Methods: It is a descriptive retrospective study conducted in Tunisia. We included in this study all patients who delivered newborns having a
birth weight above 4kg during 2013. Multivariate analysis was performed using binary logistic regression to identify the complications associated
to macrosomic pregnancies with diabetes.
Results: Among the 10186 deliveries registered during the study period, 821 mothers gave birth to macrosomic newborns. The prevalence of
macrosomia was 8.1%, and macrosomic newborns who had a birth weight of 4500 g or greater were 1.06%. Macrosomia was significantly higher
in males (p <10-3). The rate of cesarean delivery was 47.9%. The most frequent adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes were perineal tears
(3.6%), post-partum hemorrhage (0.6%), shoulder dystocia (4.9%) and neonatal intensive care unit admission
(7.6%).The proportion of maternal diabetes was 9.3%. Macrosomic pregnancies with diabetes appear to be significantly associated with
cesarean delivery (OR=2.22), postpartum hemorrhage (OR=6.69) and neonatal intensive care unit admission (OR=4.18).
Conclusion: Macrosomia increases the risk of maternal and perinatal morbidity particularly when it was associated to maternal diabetes


Macrosomia, maternal diabetes, maternal outcomes, perinatal outcomes



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