The check-list in operating rooms, as perceived by tunisians caregivers


Mohamed Ayoub Tlili
Manel Mallouli
Manel Mallouli
Wiem Aouicha
Fatma Guedhami
mohamed ben dhiab


a priority in this unit. The checklist patient safety in the operating room showed, through the years, its effectiveness in promoting the quality of care and the patient safety. Aim: To explore the perception of operating theaters professionals on the use of the checklist. Methods: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study among operating theaters professionals of the university hospitals in Sousse, Tunisia, and this during the period from 15 July 2015 until 15 September 2015. The measuring instrument used is derived from the validated questionnaire and proposed by the National Health Authority “individual questionnaire of opinion on the use of the checklist”. Results: 98.1% expressed agreement that the checklist improves safety culture and 97.2% say that it is an opportunity to avoid mistakes. 88.1% think that the checklist is an additional administrative burden. The whole study population (100%) confirms the usefulness of the checklist in improving patient safety in the operating room. Conclusion: Professionals operating theaters have expressed a positive attitude towards the checklist, however, its implementation raises some difficulties.


Checklist;, Patient safety, Perception, Tunisia



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