Premature Birth, low Birth Weight and Birth Defects after assisted reproductive therapies. a 18-year comparative study


Nadia kasdallah
Hatem Ben Salem
Hakima Kbaier
Chaker Bouguerra
Sonia Blibech
Mohamed Douagi


Background: As assisted reproductive therapies (ART) become more common in Tunisia, it was relevant to define the associated perinatal risks. The risk of multiple births and its correlate after ART were well admitted. We aimed to disclose whether ART were associated with increased perinatal risks in singletons and twins from ART comparatively with spontaneous conception. Methods: A retrospective descriptive and comparative study including all newborns conceived by ART and admitted between 1998 and 2015 and spontaneous newborns selected randomly. We compared separately singletons and twins from ART and natural conception for premature birth (PB) and low birth weight (LBW). For birth defects (BD), we compared the two groups condensed. Results: We identified 425 ART newborns and 322 controls. The risk of PB was statistically higher, in both ART singletons and twins than in controls. Among singletons, the use of ART was associated with statistically significant increased rates of LBW and VLBW. Among twins, this result was valuable only for VLBW. Newborns conceived with ART had a risk of BD that was three times higher than in controls. BD risk was statistically higher with ICSI (Intra Cytoplasm Sperm Injection), ovulation inductor and in vitro fertilization. BD risks were 2.4 times higher with ICSI than with all others therapies condensed. Conclusions: This study highlighted the increased perinatal risks even in singleton from ART comparatively with natural conception. The exact mechanisms underlying all these risks remain unclear. Further studies are required to prove the part of ART underlying parental factors, and sterility itself.


Assisted reproductive technologies; In vitro fertilization;, Intra Cytoplasm Sperm injection, Ovulation Induction, Intra Uterine Insemination, Very low birth weight, Congenital abnormalities



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