Triple negative breast cancer: A clinico-epidemiological and histopronostic study of 90 cases


Sihem Darouich
Olfa El Amine El Hadj
Ilhem Betaieb
Aida Goucha
Tarek Dhiab
Khaled Rahal
Amor Gamoudi
Ahmed El may


Purpose: The aim of this study was to describe the clinico-epidemiological and histopronostic characteristics of triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) and to evaluate the therapeutic results in tunisian women.

Methods: We reported the results of a retrospective study including 90 patients treated for TNBC between Junuary 2008 and December 2009 in the Salah Azaiz Institute of Tunis.

Results: TNBCoccured in 14% of diagnosed breast cancers. The mean age at diagnosis was 53.67 years. Family history of breast cancer was reported in 10% of cases.The majority of tumors were classified as T2 (41%) and associated with invasive ductal carcinoma histological type (99%) and SBR grade-II (54%). Tumor lymph node metastases were detected in 44% of patients.Among operated patients, 46% of patients underwent conservative surgery and 54% radical surgery. Chemotherapy and postoperative radiotherapy were given in97% and 80%of patients, respectively. After a median follow-up of 33.51 months, 61% of patients remained free of disease, 12% hadloco-regional recurrence, 9% had disease progression during chemotherapy and 21% developed systemic disease.

Conclusion: TNBC diagnosis is often made in the advanced stage and has a tendency to recur after treatment. The variable responseto chemotherapy is due to the molecular tumor heterogeneity. The development of targeted therapies is necessary to improve outcome of chemoresistant TNBC.


Breast cancer, Triple negative, Immunohischemistry, Treatment



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