Child mortality infected with HIV1 followed in 40 pediatric care sites in Togo


Ounoo Elom TAKASSI
Piréwa ADI
Koffi Mawuse Guedenon
Mawouto FIAWOO


Introduction: The infection in pediatric HIV is the reason a lot of problems in Africa The objective of our study were to identify factors associated with mortality during follow-up of children receiving antiretroviral therapy in Togo.

Methods: It was a cross-sectional study of 870 children aged files from 7 weeks to 15 years infected with HIV on antiretroviral treatment, covering the period 1 January 2001 to 31 December 2010 taking in 40 sites medical management in Togo. Data processing was done with the software Epi-Info 6.04d and duplicates were treated by the Software ESOPE.

Results: All patients were infected with HIV-1. In total forty six (46) deaths is 5.29% of the overall cohort were reported in our series. The lethality of the overall cohort followed for 60 months was 5.29%. The survival rate of the overall effective monitoring in our study was 89.2%. Fifty-eight percent (58%) of deaths had affected children in a state of severe malnutrition and forty two percent (42%) in a state of moderate malnutrition. Sixty two percent (62%) of children under HAART treatment died benefited monitoring a psychologist.

Conclusion: The diagnostic inadequacies of pediatric HIV strike the prognosis of infected children. Efforts still needs to be done to improve the load take pediatric HIV in Togo.


Mortality, children, HIV, Togo



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