Anal imperforation in adults: Diagnostic difficulties and therapeutic options


Houcine Maghrebi
Rachid Ksantini
Amin Makni
Helmi Slama
Meriem Jrad
Amine Daghfous
Wael Rebai
Fadhel Fteriche
Faouzi Chebbi
Mohamed Jouini
Kacem Montassar
Zoubeir Ben Safta


Anorectal malformations are congenital anomalies ranging from simple perineal fistulas to complex malformations. They are usually treated inchildhood, and exceptionally in adult. We herein report the case of a 22 years aged patient and relate the diagnosis difficulties and therapeuticoptions. She consulted for anal imperforation discovered since birth. Initially, His parents refused the surgical management. It was an analimperforation with a vestibular fistula. The patient was operated by a low approach. She had a disconnection of the recto-vestibular fistula,dissection of the anal canal and a perineal posterior transposition. Postoperative course was uneventful. The evaluation of continence usingKelly's score found good Functional result.


Anorectal malformations, proctology, surgery, radiology



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