Tuberculosis cost in tunisia


Mohamed Hsairi
Mehdi Ben Braham
Dhikrayet Gamara
Rachid Fourati
Faouzi Abid
Fatma Tritar
Mohamed Ridha Charfi


Background: Tuberculosis (TB) infects one third of the world population. Its economic impact is important, affecting the global economy in the World.
 Objective: To determine the economic costs related to tuberculosis in Tunisia.
Methods:Calculations were made for the citationsRaw year 2013; we covered all cost components of the disease, which are related to program management, BCG vaccination, health workers training, social mobilization, screening, chemoprophylaxis, and tuberculosis care. With the exception of costs related to care, which were the subject of a specific survey, the costs of other categories were obtained from the National TB Control Program.
Results: The cost of the different components related to the management, prevention, screening and tuberculosis care in 2013 amounted 504688,000DT. The cost of care represented 80.0% of total costs (6807 808,000DT) ; cost related to program  management represented 13.2% (1 121 580,00 DT) and the BCG vaccination  6.0% e (512 300,00DT) The average cost per patient was 1447,360 DTin 2013.
Reducing the cost of tuberculosis, would involve reducing diagnostic delay. It is also recommended to reduce hospitalization recourse, and prevent multidrug resistance which lead to additional expenditures.


tuberculosis, cost, tunisia



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