Parental satisfaction of an assessment unit for autistic spectrum disorders


Arwa Ben Amor
Soumeyya Halayem
Maissa Touati
Ahlem Belhadj
Riadh Gouider
Ridha Mrad
Asma Bouden


Background: Based on the recognized principles of assessment of autistic disorders, the child and adolescent psychiatry department in Razi Hospital developed an assessment unit with diagnostic as well as therapeutic roles. The aim of this work was to examine its functioning and to analyze the parents’ perceptions about the unit services.
Methods: We gathered the parental satisfaction about the unit by the means of a hetero-questionnaire.
Results: Fifty-two parents of children evaluated within the unit were included.  Patients had received the diagnosis of Autistic Disorder, Pervasive Developmental Disorders Not Otherwise Specified and Asperger Syndrome in accordance with DSM IV criteria, and than that of Autism Spectrum Disorder after DSM 5 publication.
The overall satisfaction rate was 63%. Most parents (84.6%) rated the Psycho Educative Profile examination positively, 75% appreciated the neurological examination and the final report steps, 55.8% appreciated step of the Autism Diagnostic Interview revised and 42.3% the genetic exploration.
67% of the parents reported an improvement of their child following the evaluation. This improvement was attributed to the unit in 57.7% of cases. Parents whose children did not have associated disorders such as intellectual disability (p = 0.02), aggressive behavior (p = 0.04), affective disorder (p = 0.01) and sleep-related disorders (p = 0.03) were the most satisfied. Parents of children with epilepsy comorbidity were the least satisfied (p <10-3). 96% of parents suggested repeating the assessment once a year.
Conclusion:  Assessment units are based on international recommendations. However, it would be interesting to adapt assessments and orientation to the parents’ expectations.


Autism, assessment, satisfaction, diagnosis, progression.



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