Prevalence of erectile dysfunction in patients consulting urological clinics: multi-centric survey in the algerian west
Aim: The aim of this study was to make an inventory of the prevalence, the severity, the reasons for the patient’s consultation and the therapeutic measures indicated by urologists for erectile dysfunction (ED) in the west of Algeria.
Methods: This survey was conducted among 4 urologists. All male patients, aged over 18 years, presenting to clinics during the study period of 2 months were included. Data collection was based on a self-administered questionnaire on socio-demographic data, comorbidities especially urological and sexual health history. The evaluation of ED was achieved by the single question of John B. McKinlay. One more question was asked to evaluate trouble reported by the patient's partner.
Results: This survey included 185 patients. It showed a high prevalence of ED (59.5%), correlated with age. The mean age was 61 ± 13 years. Thirty four percent of patients had severe ED. The reason for consultation was dominated by prostatic diseases (70%), the ED accounted for only 9% of the reasons for consultation. Only 26% of patients reported having talked previously to a doctor about their ED. These disturbances were "unacceptable" for 25% of patients and "moderately acceptable" for 30%. A minority of patients (16%) was treated medically for their ED (half of them received PDE5 inhibitors alone or in combination).
Conclusion: This first survey in the urological Algerian community emphasizes the importance of sexual dysfunction in patients consulting in urology. Although the prevalence of ED is important, few patients consult specifically for this reason. As a result, treatment is limited. Better physician awareness of the problem of ED is recommended.
Epidemiology, Erectile dysfunction, General practitioner, sexual health, PDE5 Inhibitors, Algeria##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##
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