Knowledge, attitudes and practices of Sayada high school pupils towards the smoking


Fahima Hassine
Asma Sriha
Afifa Kobaa


Background: tobacco Is the first cause of preventable death, the prevalence of it’sconsumption in adolescents varies between 10 and 30%. Initiation is the cause of psychological then physical dependence.
Aim: study the prevalence of smoking among high school students, assess their knowledge on the subject of smoking addiction and attitudes and practice towards tobacco.
Method: This is a descriptive study, transversal, using a self-administered anonymous questionnaire during 2013.
Results: The response rate was 70 % (n = 505). The average age was 16.7 years, girls accounted 40.4 % of the study population. The prevalence of smoking was 15.2%, it was 26 % for boys and 8% for girls. The nicotine dependence was present in 35% of smokers and 53.2% of them reported having previously attempted to quit at least once. More than half of respondents (58.8%) were unaware of the effect of nicotine, 43.3 % of students did not know the origins of addiction and 11.7% of smokers reported smoking in the school. All smokers, had not reported any obstacle to the purchase of cigarettes. The exhibition of smoke in public places was described by 66.5 % of students.

Conclusion:The results of this study support the need to develop a completeprogram that integrates education for students but also for teachers which affects ample smoking behavior of students.


Smoking, Adolescent, Questionnaires, Prevalence, knowledge, Attitudes, Practices, Scholar



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