Knowledge, attitude and practice of the mothers with anemia of children under five years old in the peadiatric department at Sylvanus Olympio teaching hospital in Lomé


Koffi Mawuse Guedenon
Yawo Dzayissê Atakouma
Essossolim Macamanzi
Fidèle Comlan Dossou
Adama dodji Gbadoe


Background : Anemia remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality of children in Togo despite of prevention effort, due to the parents lack of implication.

Aim :To determine the knowledges, attitudes and practices of mothers, with anemia ofchildren under five years old
Methods : Knowledge Attitudes and Practice survey from the first of february to 31 ofmarch 2012, about an interview of a hundred mothers with children under 5, randomly selected in the consultation, vaccination waiting rooms and in the hospitalisation.

Results : Forty mothers had never heard about anemia. Health personnel was the main source of mother’s information (29%), mass media represented 8% of mothers information source (radio 5%; television 3%). The decreased of blood in the body is the most given definition from the mothers (44%). Malaria (24%) and malnutrition (19%) were the main causes cited by mothers. Iron deficiency has been mentioned by 3% of the mothers. Palmar – plantar pallor (32%) was the clinical signe the best known by the mothers. Most of the mothers (90%) had never assist to an information education and communication message about anemia prevention. When their children had anemia, 25 mothers (65,8%) took their children to the health center, five mothers (13,2%) had given tomatoes. The use of iron in prophylactic treatment was known by 43% of the mothers. The blend tomatoes and milk was the prophylactic treatment mentioned by 3% of the mothers. Most of the mothers (77%) would advice a mother with a children suffering from anemia to take him to the hospital. The knowledge of anemia by the mothers was correlated to then level of instruction. But the knowledge of prevention did not depend on the instruction level.

Conclusion :
anemia is not well known by the mothers of under five children. It’s causes, it’s treatment are not well known. Mass media are not very implicated on the subject. The reduction of it’s frequency goes by information education and communication activities.


knowledge, Attitude, Practice, Anemia, Mother of under five years old children



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