Risk factors for obesity among school aged children in western Algeria: results of a study conducted on 293 subjects.
Background : Childhood obesity is a serious public health problem and its prevalence is increasing worldwide.
Aim: Before a prevention approach, it is essential to make a diagnosis on the problem and its risk factors.
Methods : We opted for a cross-sectional survey of 293 primary students of Sougueur.
Results : The prevalence of overweight including obesity according to IOTF cutoffs was 8.18%. A significant relationship existed between obesity and educational level of parents, level of physical activity; taking a snack and skipping the dinner. Our results seem much lower than published values. We find that excess food intake and light exercise can trigger overweight.
Conclusion : In Algeria, it is time to launch programs for good nutritional information and a sufficient physical activity in children.
Prevalence, Obesity, Children, Sougueur, Risk factors##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##
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