Smoking prevalence in a factory in the region of Sousse, Tunisia


Jihene Maatoug
Nabiha Bouafia
Souad Amimi
Jihene Sahli
Sana Bhiri
Nawel Zammit
Mounir Saadi
Hassen Ghannem


Background: Smoking is a public health problem because of its high prevalence and its serious consequences at all levels.
Aim : The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of smoking among workers in a private company and describe the characteristics of smokers to guide prevention efforts.
Methods : It is a cross-sectional study conducted in 2010 among all employees of a private company. Data collection was done by a questionnaire administered by interview.
Results : The participation rate was 90.4%. All smokers were men, with a prevalence of active smoking among men of 57.9%. The mean age of smokers was 33.2 ± 8 years, significantly lower than nonsmokers. The comparison between smokers and nonsmokers according to occupational category showed a statistically significant difference. Among smokers, 43.6% were in the contemplation stage and 46.3% at the stage of preparation for smoking cessation.
Conclusion : An intervention for prevention and fight against smoking in the workplace should be established for the promotion of employee health.


Smoking - Prevalence - Men - Occupational Medicine - Prevention



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