Aboriginal malaria in tunisia: about the 4 cases registered in 2013 in tunis


Gzara Zargouni Ahlem
Tej Dellagi Rafla
Ben Alaya Nissaf
Ben Jemaa Noureddine
Gamara Dhikrayet
Ben Salah Afif
Triki H
Kallel K
Chaker E
Rachdi MT


Background: Malaria has been eliminated in Tunisia since 1979, but the country remains, like all other countries harboring the vector, exposed to the potential risk of resurgence.
Objectives : Describe the clinical and epidemiological investigation of 4 cases of autochthonous malaria in July 2013 and report the main actions of regional and national response.
Methods: Retrospective descriptive survey of the 4 clinical observations as well as the study of the regional report data of basic health care for the region of Tunis in 2013.
Results : Febrile table concomitant for 4 Tunisian male patients, aged from 21 to 27 years old ; fortuitous discovery of Plasmodium falciparum when checking thrombocytopenia of patient 1 ; diagnosis in cascade of other cases following the epidemiological investigation and field consultation with clinicians ; 3 simple forms and a neuromalaria of favorable evolution ; negative entomological survey for anopheles ; elimination of imported malaria and blood-borne ; airport malaria highly probable. The response included the establishment of a regional and national monitoring unit, an information program aimed at health professionals concerned and public opinion, the involvement of health and entomology teams for the detection and census of potential larval habitats and the implementation of local mosquito eradication measures.
Conclusion : The clinical vigilance and competent biologist’s eye is necessary to prevent the resurgence of this disease. The epidemiological surveillance system should be maintained and kept as well as the food safety standards monitoring at the borders.


Malaria - Epidemiologic surveillance - Tunisia



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