Violence against women in the marriage : cross-sectional study in the family planning clinic monastir
Background : Violence against women in the marriage is now recognized as a violation of human rights and as a major problem of public health.
Aim : The objectives of this study were to estimate the prevalence, specify the typology and to determine associated factors with violence against women in the marriage.
Methods : It was a cross-sectional study carried on 197 married women recruited in family planning center of Monastir, by means of a questionnaire containing some sociodemographic characteristics of the consultant and her spouse and the Woman Abuse Screening Tool to estimate the violence in the marriage
Results : The lifetime prevalence of violence against women in the marriage was 56.9%. The most common form of violence was psychological (56.9%), followed by economic violence (41.1%), physical violence (32%) and sexual violence (10.6%). The combination of at least two forms of violence was reported by 84% of
victims. The precarious professional status of consultant and her spouse, spouse's alcoholism, the number of children upper for three were the main factors associated with violence in marriage.
Conclusion : These results justify the implement of screening and support programs for women victims of violence in marriage.
Background : Violence against women in the marriage is now recognized as a violation of human rights and as a major problem of public health.
Aim : The objectives of this study were to estimate the prevalence, specify the typology and to determine associated factors with violence against women in the marriage.
Methods : It was a cross-sectional study carried on 197 married women recruited in family planning center of Monastir, by means of a questionnaire containing some sociodemographic characteristics of the consultant and her spouse and the Woman Abuse Screening Tool to estimate the violence in the marriage
Results : The lifetime prevalence of violence against women in the marriage was 56.9%. The most common form of violence was psychological (56.9%), followed by economic violence (41.1%), physical violence (32%) and sexual violence (10.6%). The combination of at least two forms of violence was reported by 84% of
victims. The precarious professional status of consultant and her spouse, spouse's alcoholism, the number of children upper for three were the main factors associated with violence in marriage.
Conclusion : These results justify the implement of screening and support programs for women victims of violence in marriage.
Violence, women, spouse, marriage.##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##
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