Breech presentation: Does the decision of vaginal delivery depend on parity?


Fathia Boudaya
Najeh Hecini
Amel Achour
Dalenda Chelli


Background: Background: The breech presentation delivery mode is still controversial. The cesarean section is becoming the current trend especially in case of primiparous.
Aim : To compare the maternal and fetal prognosis of the breech presentation delivery according to the parity.
Methods: We conducted a retrospective comparative study covering a two years period. Our data was collected from all patients accepted for vaginal delivery of breech presentation into the entree of the labor room. We compared the primiparous group (G1, n=45) to a second group with parity ≥ 2 (G2, n=56) in terms of maternal and fetal prognosis.
Results: The two groups were comparable in term of epidemiological profile and labor evolution. The average age was of 28,2 years in the group G1 vs 30,9 years in the group G2. The average term was 37,4 weeks of amenorrhea, comparable between both groups. We did not note statistically significant difference between both groups regarding duration of work shifts. Indeed, the phase of latency had lasted 4,2 hours in the group G1 vs 3,8 hours in the group G2. The active phase had lasted 3,4 hours in the group G1 vs 2,3 hours in the group G2. 71% of the deliveries of the group primipare and 78 % of multipare had taken place in Vermelin. The appeal to a caesarian during the work was necessary to 5 (11,1 %) primipares against 3 (5,3 %) in the group G2. This difference was not significant (p=0,5). We objectified no statistically significant difference in term of foetal prognosis (Apgar 7 in 1 minute: G1 (n=2) vs G2 (n=2) with p=0.82 or of transfer in
neonatal resuscitation: G1 (n=5) vs G2 (n 3) with p= 0.28 between both groups.
Conclusion: We can conclude that the parity is not a significant variable in the vaginal delivery of the breech presentation.


Breech presentation, vaginal delivery, parity



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