Athletic performance, self-esteem and temperamental profile : Which relationship?


Masmoudi Jawaher
Trigui Dorsa
Feki Ines
Bâati Imen
Jaoua Abdelaziz


Background: Several authors emphasize the close relationship between self-esteem and athletic performance; such a relationship may raise the following question: by saying "strong" or "without any physical condition", is it a fair presentation of the individual's abilities or he reveals the most fundamental aspects of his personality, such as emotional temperament? Objectives: To evaluate self-esteem, physical self and temperamental profile in a group of sportsmen, and to look for a relationship between these variables and athletic performance.
Methods: We performed a cross-sectional, descriptive and analytic study in 80 young handball players of the “senior” category. We assessed self-esteem using the Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale, physical self-using the Physical Self-Inventory (PSI), and temperamental profile using the Temperament Evaluation of Memphis, Paris and San Diego Auto-questionnaire (TEMPS-A). Athletic performance was evaluated by the team coach by means of a score ranging from 1 to 10. Results: High self-esteem was correlated to female gender (p=0.03), to an early start of physical activity (p<0.01), and certain dimensions of the physical self: perceived physical value (p=0.02), appearance (p<0.01), and the global score (p=0.01). Athletic performance was correlated to high self-esteem (p<0.01) and to two dimensions of the physical self: the global score (p=0.01) and the perceived physical value (p<0.01). Hyperthymic temperament was associated with high self-esteem (p=0.001). Good athletic performance was associated with hyperthymic (p<0.01) and cyclothymic (p<0.01) temperament. Low athletic performance was associated with depressive (p=0.04) and irritable (p=0.01) temperament.
Conclusion: Our study shows the close relationship between selfesteem, temperamental profile and athletic performance. We suggest that the intervention of a psychiatrist or a psychologist aimed at improving sportsmen’s’ self-esteem might help to achieve better athletic performance. In this intervention, the individual temperamental profile should be taken into account.


Athletic performance, Self estime, Physical self, Temperament, Bipolar disorder



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