High risk areas for echinococcosis-hydatidosis in Tunisia


Mohamed Kouni Chahed
Hedia Bellali
Nissaf Ben Alaya
Karim Aoun
Béchir Zouari


Aim: The study was conducted in order to identify high risk areas for hydatidosis in Tunisia witch would be eligible for a Hydatidosis control program initiation.

Methods: The most recent epidemiological investigation on surgical incidence of hydatidosis was used to classify governorates according to their incidence rate. A “global hydatidosis risk score” was calculated for each governorate, combining some parameters related to the hygiene conditions of the population, the literacy rate, the canine density and livestock census. Spearman correlation coefficient was used to compare scores and surgical incidences. Mapping analysis has been conducted. The surgical incidence rate of hydatidosis classifies each governorate regarding occurrence of human cases. The global hydatidosis risk score, by governorate, pointed out the most exposed areas to the disease.

Results: The mapping analysis showed a good agreement between the incidence rate of the disease and the global hydatidosis risk score and made it possible to identify the population of the center and the west of the country as a most exposed population for the diseases.

Conclusion: In order to have a chance for implementation, hydatidosis control program should target the three jointed governorates of Kasserine, Siliana and Kef, which have the highest incidence rates and the worst scores.


Hydatidosis, risk, control, Tunisia



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