Consequences of hysterectomy at the national- Hospital of pikine in dakar


Gueye M
Diouf Aa
Cisse A
Coulbary As
Moreau Jc
Diouf A


Background: Despite the frequency of hysterectomy, several studies have reported physical and psychological sequelae of this intervention.

But : To evaluate the consequences of hysterectomy, their level of importance and how patients experience hysterectomy. Methods: That is a prospective study of 70 patients who underwent a hysterectomy from January 2009 to June 2011 at Pikine National Hospital. The experience of hysterectomy was determined by the physical and psychosocial felt after surgery.

Results: Hysterectomy represented 5.9 % of gynecological surgical activities. The indications were dominated by myoma (57.1%). Hysterectomy was performed abdominally in 78.6% of cases and associated with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy in 87% of cases. After surgery, new symptoms appeared: hot flushes, night sweats, urinary incontinence and urge incontinence in respectively 65.7%, 54.3%, 7.1% and 11.4% of patients. A proportion of 45.6% of them had resumed sexual activity after 90 days. The fear of pain at the time of intercourse was expressed in 55.7% of cases. A decrease in the frequency of sexual intercourse was found in 54.3% of patients. A drop of pleasure during sex was expressed in 38.6% of patients. Psychological effects were also reported by patients: decreased confidence in 31.4% of patients, feeling of being rejected by her husband in 5.7% of cases, sensation of mutilation in 24.3% of cases.

Conclusion: Physical and psychological postoperative impacts of hysterectomy are real. Adequate accompanying measures are necessary, in addition to preoperative preparation, to allow patients to improve the experience of hysterectomy.


Hysterectomy, Consequences, Experience, Prevention.



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