Survival prognosis factors in multiple myeloma
Background: Outcome in multiple myeloma (MM) is very heterogeneous in survival and therapeutic response, constantly fatale despite her therapy progress.
aim: To determine the prognostic factors and survival in MM.
methods: We carried out a transversal study of 100 patients in the rheumatology department of hospital Monastir between 1991 and 2010. In each case we determinate the survival delay and also the clinical, laboratory, radiological data at diagnosis and therapeutic response.
results: The mean age was 64.4 years and sex ratio H/F=1.27. MM is IgG type in 57%, IgA in 28% and light chain in 11% of cases. The survival mean is 34 months and the survival median is 26 months. Univariate analysis showed five prognostic factors: age (p = 0.016), anaemia (p=0.033), β2 microglobulin ( p < 0.0001) , CRP (p = 0.0001), albumin (p = 0.002), LDH (p=0.001), plasmocyte proliferation rate (p=0.003) and rapidly therapeutic response (p <0.001). β2 microgrobulin-CRP classification and the international staging system (ISS) presented a high prognosis signification (p < 0.0001). Multivariate analysis demonstrated two prognostic factors: β2 microglobulin and CRP.
Conclusions: Our study showed that MM presented many prognostic factors, which easily realised in daly practice. These prognostic factors are essentially to evaluate prognosis and select patients for appropriate therapeutic indication. β2 microgrobulin- CRP classification and the international staging system (ISS) are more predictive than Durie Salmon classification in MM survival.
aim: To determine the prognostic factors and survival in MM.
methods: We carried out a transversal study of 100 patients in the rheumatology department of hospital Monastir between 1991 and 2010. In each case we determinate the survival delay and also the clinical, laboratory, radiological data at diagnosis and therapeutic response.
results: The mean age was 64.4 years and sex ratio H/F=1.27. MM is IgG type in 57%, IgA in 28% and light chain in 11% of cases. The survival mean is 34 months and the survival median is 26 months. Univariate analysis showed five prognostic factors: age (p = 0.016), anaemia (p=0.033), β2 microglobulin ( p < 0.0001) , CRP (p = 0.0001), albumin (p = 0.002), LDH (p=0.001), plasmocyte proliferation rate (p=0.003) and rapidly therapeutic response (p <0.001). β2 microgrobulin-CRP classification and the international staging system (ISS) presented a high prognosis signification (p < 0.0001). Multivariate analysis demonstrated two prognostic factors: β2 microglobulin and CRP.
Conclusions: Our study showed that MM presented many prognostic factors, which easily realised in daly practice. These prognostic factors are essentially to evaluate prognosis and select patients for appropriate therapeutic indication. β2 microgrobulin- CRP classification and the international staging system (ISS) are more predictive than Durie Salmon classification in MM survival.
Multiple myeloma, prognostic factors, classification, survival##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##
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