Radiation protection in orthopedic theatre in Tunisian Charles Nicolle hospital.


Hager Kamoun
Anissa Boussaadoun
Khaled Anis Kamoun
Mondher Kooli
Azza Hammou


Background: Orthopaedic theatre personnel (OTP) are exposed to ionizing radiation by the use of Image intensification in the operating room.
But :The aims of this study are to determine OTP knowledge about ionizing radiation risks and the availability of radiation protection clothes, to propose appropriate corrective measures.
methods: This descriptive study was performed during an orthopaedic operating theatre equipped with a mobile Image intensifier unit in Charles Nicolle hospital, in March 2010. We have performed an orthopaedic theatre visit to identify the availability of radiation protection clothes. We used a questionnaire in order to identity OTP knowledge about ionizing radiation. We established a global score of knowledge to classify our population.
results: We identified 65 professionals exposed to ionizing radiation. 54 of them (83%) responded to our questionnaire. 65% were men and sex ratio was 0,54. The median of the age was 32 years (23-51). Orthopaedic theatre personnel were 35% surgeons, 32% nurses, 20% superior technicians and 13% service workers. The mean of the Global score of knowledge was 8,4 /20 (3,6 -15,2). The Kruskal-Wallis test showed that this score increases significantly with grade. Because availability of lead aprons, they were worn by 67% of the staff.
Conclusions: In the present study, the results indicate insufficiency in OTP knowledge and in radioprotection tools availability. In order to minimize all unnecessary radiation, attempts should be made to increase orthopaedic theatre personnel knowledge about radiation protection. Safety culture is a referral method to reduce radiation exposure as low as possible.


Ionising radiations, Radiation protection, X-rays, Irradiation, Interventional radiological procedures.



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